Sunday, June 30, 2013

Traveling to Japan... The trip was "Granted"

My husbands school is a Chicago Public Schools world language school, teaching students Japanese. The teachers there do an amazing job. Husband greets the students every morning with Japanese "Ohiyo goi za mas," Good Morning.

So in 2011 he was nominated by his Japanese teacher to attend this Japanese Chicago Chamber of Commerce (JCCC) Cultural & Educational Exchange in Japan (JEEP) program. Husband applied, but that year the Tsunami impact was so catastrophic that they cancelled the trip.

In 2012 he resubmitted his applications (edited by his Editor-In-Chief-Wife) and he won a coveted 1 of 3 spots to attend. I and the family are so proud of him and winning this grant. All his expenses are paid and a stipend. So for two weeks I didn't mention to him how I wanted to also go. We love to travel and this is an amazing trip of a lifetime:

1. Personal tour guide throughout the trip.
2. "Free time" when not on official school visits
3. Later we found out our guide/ chaperone will give us tours of the areas we are in.
4. Husbands expenses are PAID and he gets a stipend so we would just have to cover my travel and expenses.
5. Did I mention A Once in a Lifetime Experience!!!
6. School visits. When else EVER would I get to go see another country's schools? I am a global student, but the schools wouldn't open there doors to 'lil o me.

I, of course, had worked through all the logistics in my little head:

- my mom - a travel agent and corporate travel guru - offered to take 2 weeks vacation and to babysit the kids. She said "your going."
- my aunt will stay/live at our house.
- I'll pack and prepare well in advance for me, husband and the kids.
- I'll pack and prepare to take the kids clothes two weeks before the trip to my moms. Then we'll drop them off the night before for their "vacation."
- I'll start saving some "house money" and all my online document sales for my spending money.
- (left brain); it'll be hard, so hard to leave my three kids whom I have never been away from more the a night... (Right brain- traveling soul): TRIP OF A LIFETIME.
- and really once husband goes to Japan alone, "we" won't go back as a couple so "I" can see Tokyo too?

And if all this over pre-planning doesn't work, I'll mention that its our 10 year anniversary. And we technically didn't have a honeymoon ;-/

Did husband really think he was going alone? No Way!

So I finally brought it up in February. And here we are the night before departure!! Can.Not.Wait...

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