"On August 6, 1945 at 8:15 am was the accident. After the accident many people died. Nearly 700 were brought here, where this tree grows, to be buried. This tree, which is used to make incense for the Shrines, grows here in remeberence."
As you may know the United States dropped the first bomb, the center was Hiroshima City, a military hub. Our visit to this school was awesome. Current teaching practices my husband looks for in his teachers were exemplified here. A great experience and a great visit at this school!

Take off you Filthy shoes and put on our nice clean slippers!!
The Principals office: the tree in the middle of this photo represents a spot where 700 dead were brought after the "accident" and buried.
Meetings are more relaxed here in Hiroshima, they are comfortable being here talking and know what to say do. Clearly they have experience in high level meeting.
Everyone exchanges cards and has a cold drink for us, coffee, green tea, orange juice.
We Start the meeting with customary introductions, we the guests first, and then the local staff.
Women don't cross their legs or ankles! They are confident, and dynamic. Husband is the only man in the meeting.
A lesson on the day "of the accident
Samurai Art completed by 6th graders
Husband receives his paper crane gift
Kids said there names before we started- I repeated one row and husband the second.
What is your favorite color
Did you have an atomic bomb
What city will u see in Japan
What do u like in Japan (bullet train, sushi, calligraphy,
We asked the kids: What do u want to be when u grow up? Chef, desserts, baseball, noodle maker, comedian, rocket maker, some were silent, police man1 1 doctor , cartoonist many chefs, kindergarten teacher, teacher
What is your favorite color
Have you ever been to Japan
Have you seen New York
Why did you becomes teacher
One girl said she's been to New Zealand
What should we buy our kids: pancakes, stuffed animals, dragon ball, ice cream,
Kids had us sign a hat at the end
Shake hands at the end
The playlot
Hand washing station 
After lunch saying goodbye and hacking hands
Pencil cases
Excellent and dynamic lesson and teacher in action
The tree
Japanese calligraphy
The students clean the schools

Quick facts:
The schools Class size is on average similar to the USA with 6th grade having 31-40 students.
Teacher is supposed to appt 1 teacher aid to focus on students who takes care of them and their extra needs, Mentally & physically of the kids and she assists them.
Husband asked: How do they deal with the why if the accident? And natural curiosity of students that age? (= handling of faults, violence in the world) etc.
A teacher explained the students have peer groups peer to exchange ideas. Symbolism is also used.
School Symbols: School name - 4 faces symbolism
Kah = distinguish Good and bad
Ko = Behave and act well
Gah = Hold on. Nevergive up
hah = Healthy body
2nd teacher used methods and strategies we see and used them well.
Teachers meet for Peace Education weekly.
Symbolism usage is similar in the USA and their efforts are evident and effective.
Sodoko and the 1,000 paper cranes 7th grade - it's a good read to help understand this subject. Katy gives it to her students.
The local staff said to us "We feel you energy and hope. We will share some ideas with the students."
Teacher Evaluations:
2 x year
evaluated in an open class teachers and principal
Principal interview 1-1
Self evaluation
Compile all reports send to BOE
School requests BOE goes to school for advice them
In jPN kids clean the school
Wash hands before lunch
Taxi driver wants our driver to go first, she has a GPS luckily.
Happy travels!!
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