-- Japanese women don't wear nail polish.
FALSE. Well our travel guide does. So do the women on the plane. Granted their colors are muted and subtle, but its manis and pedis all around.
(Day 4: it's really a mix. Some women do wear polish, however it's not a majority like in the states.)
-- Japanese assume no one else really speaks Japanese.
TRUE. So far every time I've said Ohio Goisamas (Good Morning), Arigato (Thank You) and Onaguishus (please), I get a "ooh whoo" surprise response. From the flight attendants mostly.
-- Japanese Women do not wear tanks tops or expose their shoulders. Instead most wear modest short and long sleeve tops.
TRUE. Seems like all the passengers are very stylish. Ladies wear modest tops, with skinny jeans (because there skinny!!) As an aside, I read that the Japanese buy only a few, but high quality items since space is at a premium. So why buy low cost/low quality shoes when you can have the newest crocs or dockers. This applies to men also. If they wear T's it's something trendy and soooo hip.
-- Japanese can sleep anywhere an everywhere
TRUE. You know there's a personal tv monitor in front of every seat. And you can Turn.It.OFF!! Oh no, these travelers like the bright blue screen ON at all times. Glowing in their face as they nap. Or leaving the "flight map" on to repeat, and repeat, and repeat!!! I thought maybe guy on right and the lady to my immediate left didn't know how to operate the screen. So, after the 5th time that she leaned over staring at MY screen I asked her "onaguyshemas" can I help you? I turned on "English" she said screen instructions. And opened the arm rest to access the remote... She turned on The Croods. I handed her the headphones. She waved me a "no." After the movie starts, not even 5 minutes in, she fast forwards thru the whole movie!!! Which leads me to....
-- Japanese are a conformist and group based society.
TRUE. As the women in the above story highlighted for me. She turned on the movie (as hubby and I in her row had). But she's really wasn't interested - so what's a Japanese person to do except Fast Forward thru that crappy American Cartoon!! And perhaps, my giggling and trying.to.be.quiet.laughter was why he peered over my shoulder. I was watching "Identity Theft." Talk about a comedy that takes you to the edge of uncomfortable and outrageous!! I'd peer over hero or watching shoulder too. Arigato lady... Sorry :-(
-- Japanese love all things American
Uh I dunno about that yet? But I'm listening to the airplane radio and all the songs are Japanese language Disney songs (Winnie the pooh, it's a small world, lion long theme, etc.) Tokyo Disney Radio.
-- Japanese keep their air conditioning at High settings (warmer then Americans).
TRUE. I've always brought layers of clothes on flights because there always so cold. Not Japan Air. We had a blast of cold when we took off, and since then I'm very warm, my butt is so hot in the seat I thought a seat warmer device was on (and I don't get hot).
Japanese Air Lines LUNCH
Lunch on the flight with Japan Air was fabulous. So yummy and refreshing. You get a warmed hand towel to clean up before drinks and lunch. Them our choice of beverage, alcohol is included. Green Tea and Black Coffee are served from pitchers. We had water at first, and then enjoyed an Asahi extra dry beer.
Lunch was yummy!! But a lot of food. Its severed bento style, in adorable red base and white center bowls. Your shown a picture menu card written in Japanese, I assume Chinese and English. and the required picture. Choice of Chicken Teryaki (wife) served over sticky rice, or Beef Stew (husband) served with potatoes and veggies. A side salad, udon cold noodles with a crazy yummy noodle sauce (served in a tiny bottle) which I poured over my salad as dressing. Mixed fruits, bun & butter for chicken salad and ham slice, and Häagen Daas ice cream.
People on the plane
Interestingly, the guy on right right watched an Anime cartoon with English subtitles, and ate with a fork, but his phone is all in Japanese characters.
On the left another guy watched an American G.I. Joe movie with Japanese subtitles yet ate with chopsticks.
One more thing
-- Japanese assume no one else really speaks Japanese.
TRUE. So far every time I've said Ohio Goisamas (Good Morning), Arigato (Thank You) and Onaguishus (please), I get a "ooh whoo" surprise response. From the flight attendants mostly.
-- Japanese Women do not wear tanks tops or expose their shoulders. Instead most wear modest short and long sleeve tops.
TRUE. Seems like all the passengers are very stylish. Ladies wear modest tops, with skinny jeans (because there skinny!!) As an aside, I read that the Japanese buy only a few, but high quality items since space is at a premium. So why buy low cost/low quality shoes when you can have the newest crocs or dockers. This applies to men also. If they wear T's it's something trendy and soooo hip.
-- Japanese can sleep anywhere an everywhere
TRUE. You know there's a personal tv monitor in front of every seat. And you can Turn.It.OFF!! Oh no, these travelers like the bright blue screen ON at all times. Glowing in their face as they nap. Or leaving the "flight map" on to repeat, and repeat, and repeat!!! I thought maybe guy on right and the lady to my immediate left didn't know how to operate the screen. So, after the 5th time that she leaned over staring at MY screen I asked her "onaguyshemas" can I help you? I turned on "English" she said screen instructions. And opened the arm rest to access the remote... She turned on The Croods. I handed her the headphones. She waved me a "no." After the movie starts, not even 5 minutes in, she fast forwards thru the whole movie!!! Which leads me to....
-- Japanese are a conformist and group based society.
TRUE. As the women in the above story highlighted for me. She turned on the movie (as hubby and I in her row had). But she's really wasn't interested - so what's a Japanese person to do except Fast Forward thru that crappy American Cartoon!! And perhaps, my giggling and trying.to.be.quiet.laughter was why he peered over my shoulder. I was watching "Identity Theft." Talk about a comedy that takes you to the edge of uncomfortable and outrageous!! I'd peer over hero or watching shoulder too. Arigato lady... Sorry :-(
-- Japanese love all things American
Uh I dunno about that yet? But I'm listening to the airplane radio and all the songs are Japanese language Disney songs (Winnie the pooh, it's a small world, lion long theme, etc.) Tokyo Disney Radio.
-- Japanese keep their air conditioning at High settings (warmer then Americans).
TRUE. I've always brought layers of clothes on flights because there always so cold. Not Japan Air. We had a blast of cold when we took off, and since then I'm very warm, my butt is so hot in the seat I thought a seat warmer device was on (and I don't get hot).
Japanese Air Lines LUNCH
Lunch on the flight with Japan Air was fabulous. So yummy and refreshing. You get a warmed hand towel to clean up before drinks and lunch. Them our choice of beverage, alcohol is included. Green Tea and Black Coffee are served from pitchers. We had water at first, and then enjoyed an Asahi extra dry beer.
Lunch was yummy!! But a lot of food. Its severed bento style, in adorable red base and white center bowls. Your shown a picture menu card written in Japanese, I assume Chinese and English. and the required picture. Choice of Chicken Teryaki (wife) served over sticky rice, or Beef Stew (husband) served with potatoes and veggies. A side salad, udon cold noodles with a crazy yummy noodle sauce (served in a tiny bottle) which I poured over my salad as dressing. Mixed fruits, bun & butter for chicken salad and ham slice, and Häagen Daas ice cream.
People on the plane
Interestingly, the guy on right right watched an Anime cartoon with English subtitles, and ate with a fork, but his phone is all in Japanese characters.
On the left another guy watched an American G.I. Joe movie with Japanese subtitles yet ate with chopsticks.
One more thing
In flight, in seat "flight map" - it shows an animated planes progress.

To my husbands point. Notice te screen shots from the flight plan. Yes I like seeing that we are over Anchorage Alaska, and the uber cool LIVE video camera of what's below us...
But I don't want to know we are at 35,000 feet traveling 520 mph!! Just keep that to yourself. That's so mind blowing.
Happy Travels!!

To my husbands point. Notice te screen shots from the flight plan. Yes I like seeing that we are over Anchorage Alaska, and the uber cool LIVE video camera of what's below us...
But I don't want to know we are at 35,000 feet traveling 520 mph!! Just keep that to yourself. That's so mind blowing.
Happy Travels!!
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