More power to principals
For school management, making changes for BOE review.
Community activities are decoded by school district.
All local governments hav same system. Local property tax and salary tax. National gov stipend. . Don't count per student spending. And public information in US not in Japan.
Do not hav insurance to cover 2week stay students
Teacher evaluations
Makes clear management policy, the he asks all the teacher to make their own target and based on own students studying skills and personality, how organized, how you are org member
Evaluate all teachers at end of term make a report for all teachers. Reported to board.
Informal eval? W coaching?
Informal as well and goes to class to Checkin as well.
Support the teacher?
Yes. Could be possible.
How long are teachers here?
7-8 years. That's a long time to be at the same school. Start initial teacher starts skills at 4 years in a school.
Same grade level and subject?
They switch. Grades and subjects. Every school year all teachers change classes, new teacher new students. Shuffle all classes ever year.
Does he favor a methodology for teachers?
HaS has many good teacher. He's a first year principal at this school. Encourages all teachers to spend more Time with the kids while kids are in school. Physical School levels should be more stronger to be on par with other schools. He tells the teachers to play with the kids and make more exercise. The playground is not enough space for more then 300 kids. There's a temple but no parks.
Schools encourage child's movement, for movements sake. I as a parent said regularly it helps get te kids excited energy out and they can focus better.
Parents are very supportive, they keep an eye on the children when en route to school, and they helped with the library. School children all walk to school.
American school suburbs- kids are bussed and parents drive them to school. Walk and ride bikes is frequent. HS can also drive. HS has 500 parking spots.
Attendance rates in us are 96% goal, is that a concern here?
100% in Japan. So times it easily comes and kids confront challenges and teacher can pick up symptoms and cooperate with parents and teachers to encourage the children to attend class and not drop out.
December and January kids take exams to get into private junior high.
Do the keep track of statistics where kids go? Percentage to private, public or elite schools.
Yes, 1/3 private junior high. Former school 90% goes to public.
BOE principal selection process. I pass years we selected asst principal to promote. We selected from a pool who wanted to be. Sometimes they don't have any teacher experience. 9 known teachers experience. 1 just quit. Usually promote from vice principals. Non teacher experience don't know school system culture.
Do you have career switch?
Prefecture made a change last year. Bringing in news management can help change hands in the system, for improvement. Public can apply even and non teachers to be principals.
Japan career is usually for life. People do not switch careers. A system for changing careers is coming to Japan. You need a license to be an elementary school teacher. Ou can go to 2nd chance
GED equivalent or a 2nd Janice school does exist.
W out high school degree you can take a test to then enter to college. Almost "test out" of high school and then go to college.
Junior HS, age doesn't matter, adults can take classes, even beyond 25 YO.
Brother in law has andifferent view point which helps. Some people might say negative things, but he likes it. US has career changers, sometimes the other teachers criticize this method, but not its assimilated. Discussion...
Junior college classes for anyone
Seminars for parents teachers bring in experts to talk about their subject or expertise
There's a education for parents conducted by pTA. Junior
College had a lot of schools, but its not a community college like US. Japan's are more Career driven, police or other. School college tuition is low In Japan.
What do you want to be when you grow up in Williams class
Sen Sai
Writers/ publishers 3-4
Happy Travels!!
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